…acting as a canvas, serving the purpose of preserving divine instruction for successive generations to come.
- Words By MOE -
Spiritually Intact Vol. 8
The Papyrus
The Papyrus acting as a canvas,
serving the purpose of preserving divine instruction
for successive generations to come.
Practically putting it down in places
various references of precious promises
made since before the day the father of nations was saved,
attested to and confirmed by the Godhead.
This is so that we wouldn't be left behind.
Yeah, it's just paper,
but with a sacred purpose behind it,
more than just the so called world's number one bestseller consistently,
but for the sake of clarity, the textual representative of the Spirit of Prophecy.
This is that one and same spirit
that bears witness to the testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Emmanuel, God with us.
You see, in this case the papyrus is actually a living document,
one that requires proper interpretation
by the Spirit of Truth for it to make any sense to begin with.
Otherwise, the quest would be meaningless
to investigate that is without faith.
So here it is, we can see how valuable the Papyrus is on the one hand,
In addition also towards utility as money, even though that can't save nobody,
nonetheless resourceful as a tool.
Also, Art of which I can't say enough about
and even basic academic pursuit,
which began from us doodling and scribbling on a pad,
to learning to take this gift of simply writing on these light blue lines of the papyrus
as though my entire life depended on it.
Yet, unfortunately, there are those whose main focus, though
misguided, if I may add, might be on the suffering trees,
the depleting forests, timber lands, etc.
As though that's way more important.
No, it's not.
The Papyrus is available to serve us, not the other way around.
Nevertheless, nothing should be wasted,
taken for granted or utilized with any disregard.
- Words By MOE -
’THE PAPYRUS’ Spiritually Intact Vol. 8
Words By MOE Inspirations for Grace | Truth | Love