handing out the invite
In Your Name, there is no limit, shortcoming or deficit…
- Words By MOE -
Spiritually Intact Vol. 8
Your Name
Let Your Name be magnified Holy One, Hallelujah
Let Your Name be lifted up
Most High God,
Jehovah El Elyon, Hallelujah
Let Your Name be exalted
Jah! The Sacred Name. Hallelujah
The Lord most vehement Hallelujah,
Let Your Name be extolled.
Jehovah El Olam, the Everlasting God. Hallelujah
We raise and honor Your Name,
Jehovah El Nissi the Lord our Banner, Hallelujah
We magnify Your Name. Hallelujah.
We bless Your Name Jehovah El Shaddai.
The Lord The Almighty God, Hallelujah.
Let everything that has breath praise You Holy One.
EL, The Deity, Elohim, The Eternal One.
The Eternal Creator. The Eternal. Hallelujah.
Our Strength, Our Might, Our Power, Our Counselor Hallelujah
OurJoy, our Shepherd, our Peace, Jehovah El Shalom.
The Door, Hallelujah
Our Guide, Our Healer Jehovah El Rapha
Our Provider Jehovah El Jireh. Hallelujah
The Lord of Hosts Jehovah El Sabaoth
Commander of the army of the Lord,
The WORD, the Resurrection and the Life.
The Son of God, Yeshua, Savior,
Righteous One, Deliverer, Redeemer,
Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Christ of God,
King of Kings and Lord of Lords
Emmanuel, God with us. Hallelujah.
Our Only Hope, our Eternal Expectation,
Like a refugee seeking refuge in your name,
Our Shelter, Our Shade, Hallelujah,
Our Rock, Our Strong Tower, Our Fortress, Our Hiding Place. Hallelujah.
Safe in the Body of Christ,
of sound mind and secure in the spirit of truth.
In Your Name, there is no limit, shortcoming or deficit,
Handing out the invite to those
derelict, degenerate, confused, ignorant and conflicted.
You said that those who call upon your name will be saved.
And so we thank thee for your promise, reassurance, encouragement,
as well as reminders as we continue to call upon Your Name.
Amen and Hallelujah!
- Words By MOE -
’YOUR NAME’ Spiritually Intact Vol. 8
Photo by Amaury Gutierrez @amaury_guti
Words By MOE Inspirations for Grace | Truth | Love