…Discipline assisting us in our quest for Holiness.
- Words By MOE -
Spiritually Intact Vol. 8
Breath of God
Discipline assisting us in our quest for holiness,
For our good, the Spirit at work in our best interest,
So long as we don't despise it.
Breath of God.
Thank you for this breathtaking sustenance.
Thank you for the wealth and the abundance.
Your good health and spiritual independence,
deliverance from the darkness and
our total dependence upon your graciousness,
favor and loving kindness.
The Liberty you've afforded us to give props to the Godhead as we see fit,
The freedom you've given us to give you thanks and praise,
Breath of God, His Majesty,
and worship in the beauty of Your Holiness,
Without which no one will see you, none.
From the reactivation to the revival,
Touching every member of this body of Christ,
Every unit in each part of every vessel
Playing their role, handling their assignment,
attending to the duty without grumbling murmuring or complaining
so that we can make the necessary adjustments
during the course of our navigation.
This association, interaction and communion,
serving the ultimate purpose of Kingdom-building
and informing the ignorant
Breath of God, this is why we are completely reliant
upon your sustenance for strength, power, might inspiration,
constant renewal on a daily joy and peace
happiness just to witness another day.
Waking up to see today and be a part of it.
And we shall rejoice and be glad
knowing our survival is not the product merely of our fitness
but because we've been forgiven, redeemed, sanctified and emancipated.
Each temple thoroughly fumigated
by the breath of the Almighty
and consecrated by the washing with the word.
Rededicated every blessed day for the purpose of sincere service.
So long as the Breath of God continues to sustain us,
making provision for each vital part of this body while we continue in this quest.
Taking steps and strides, leaps and bounds,
even striving sometimes during the course our constant grind,
hustling, maintaining and taking serious responsibility,
being accountable for our action
while paying close attention to the goings on within and without
Never, ever taking the breath of God for granted.
Let everything that has breath praise you
and let every breath of life give you thanks and praise,
because you do live and reign forever and ever.
Amen and Hallelujah!
- Words By MOE -
’BREATH OF GOD’ Spiritually Intact Vol. 8
Words By MOE Inspirations for Grace | Truth | Love