To Know
For those who don't KNOW you Lord, TOUCH them
For those who know you, help us to know you even BETTER
- Words By MOE -
To Know
To know what the deal is, what's going on,
And what is the situation;
Ours is not to dwell upon desperation
Or the mediocrity in circulation
With no shortage of hypocrisy in the social stratosphere:
Mediocre believers afflicted with terminal turpitude,
Its onset surreptitious with no cure in sight
Besides the miraculous
Meanwhile the deeply superstitious keep complaining
Of sleep paralysis as they continue in their patchwork existence;
Their daily grind involving looking out for that evil eye
And very particular about what they touch
Be careful not to brush-up against says the mesmerizer
As well as other professional psychological exploiters,
Including all and sundry deceivers who dabble in the
Diabolical perhaps without even recognizing it
Shysters, and hexenmeisters together with
Tricksters and scammers swindling unsuspecting bystanders:
Who in retrospect would've given anything to know
What they were dealing with rather than yield
To the enticement of a devilish curriculum
Professing to confer power upon the disciple,
Promising heaven and earth with their ability to move mountains:
The only problem being its own house is unable to stand
Fractured, confusion within the assembly of rebellious ranks,
Dereliction and disorder amongst the obstinate
And chaos within the abode of godlessness
Aiding and abetting wickedness by combining
Rugged individualism with copycat activism,
A dynamic combination feeding into the mad temptation
If one is unable to resist
Regardless of whatever our affiliation:
This formidable adversary being a respecter of none;
Unable to regain his previous position
So taking it out on man
Vexing and venting, whether or not we take notice
Or want to know of his schemes and shenanigans,
As they've been depicted in the holy Scriptures after much research,
If only we're willing to take a second look and verify for ourselves.
- WBM -
Spiritually Intact Vol. 4
Words By MOE Inspiration for Grace | Truth | Love