"This Armor we put on not for the faint of heart, not one of fleshy origin. We gettin' ready!
According to Ephesians six , this Armor is specifically designed to protect the body of Christ"
- Words By MOE -
This Armor
Constantly transmitting the Word of Truth
In transit or on the internet.
Definitely continuous transmission of this word in the mental,
hopefully without static, not warring with flesh and blood here.
Our weaponry not carnal
relying on a spiritual arsenal getting geared up for this warfare.
This armor we put on not for the faint of heart,
not one of fleshy origin.
We gettin ready
according to Ephesians six
this armor is specifically designed to protect the body of Christ
Focused as a heavily armed warrior in training for noble service
on this dangerous assignment.
Drawing strength by watching and constantly praying,
Staying vigilant and alert
our feet girded, guarded and guided by the preparation, promptness and readiness, stability and agility,
not to mention flexibility and efficiency of the gospel of peace,
The belt of truth, firmly securing the waist girding the loins and taking up the excess slack.
Included in this armor is the breastplate of righteousness, otherwise known as integrity and moral rectitude strapped to our chest,
of course, the shield of faith in one hand, to quench the flaming missiles and fiery darts that come when contending with strategies deceits, wiles and shenanigans of the dark side.
Oh, and bitter words, because we take our stand against the chief adversary.
On the other hand we hold tight the sword of the Spirit.
This is the Word of God,
sharper than any double edged instrument, penetrating every creative thing and scrutinizing all aspirations, goals, intentions, as well as aims, motives and objectives.
Nothing is hidden from this scrutiny
And finally, our helmet of salvation.
This is our crown of glory,
the guarantee of our inheritance
while we await the fullness of times
when this armor will be subsequently replaced by our true spiritual form
for those who take their place in the New Jerusalem
in the meantime,
no place for idleness within this tabernacle,
ready to go
fully geared up
in this armor
- WBM -
’THIS ARMOR’ Spiritually Intact Vol 9
Words By MOE inspirations for Grace | Truth | Love