Unique Female
I look at her… boy do I ever look at her, Wondering how I got drawn to her astonishing beauty.
- Words By MOE -
Spiritually Intact Vol. 4
Unique Female
I look at her… boy do I ever look at her,
Wondering how I got drawn to her astonishing beauty,
Recalling the contours of her lips
Never forgetting her lovely carriage
The spring in her step registering in my consciousness,
My amazement and delight, not inconspicuous
While being unable to conceal the excitement,
Coupled with her irresistible attraction drawing me like a magnet.
Musing on how beautiful, fine, pretty and gorgeous
My admiration for her looks is enormous
With adoration that's not monotonous
Certainly praise-worthy and worth celebrating
Are the magnificent features of this unique female.
That it makes me wonder what she sees in this ordinary man that I am,
Of like passion as other sons of Adam,
who seek a real woman mate, partner, confidante and companion.
Appreciating what it means to be good friends,
The blissful beginning intense in some instances,
But for others, not noticing any sparks at first,
During the romantic procession recognizing as time goes on,
That there's something different about this one,
From her ambience, to style and finesse,
The delicacy of her femininity is particularly interesting,
Spiritually wholesome, yet chic
Not to mention the blend of virtue and modesty.
A rare combination indeed.
But sticking with aesthetics for the moment,
She's just so fascinating to look at,
Gazing upon this daughter of Eve and all her glorious wonder
While I adore without any hesitation.
This unique female is certainly worthy of my preoccupation.
Seeing that I've learned a great deal more about my being,
which is supposed to be a good thing.
But my thing is, so long as she's pleased with me in her presence,
That's all that matters.
Hopefully everything else will follow.
Building a good foundation as well as better things to come.
No diminished expectations or stifling atmosphere
Making it difficult to love.
And so I look at her boy do I ever look at her,
wondering how I got reeled in by her affection.
After being caught off guard by the beauty of her disposition
- Words By MOE -
’UNIQUE FEMALE’ Spiritually Intact Vol. 4
Photo: Aliko Sunawang @sunawang
Words By MOE Inspirations for Grace | Truth | Love